
MARCOGAZ’s membership offers technical expertise, active participation on policy-making, and the opportunity to be heard on the most pressing topics for the gas industry by means of our communication channels.

Knowledge sharing

MARCOGAZ’s members enjoy access to technical knowledge developed across internal working groups on gas infrastructure, gas utilisation and sustainability. Members can further benefit from the shared expertise and collaboration with partners like Hydrogen Europe, GIE, Eurogas, GERG, ENTSOG, GasNaturally, EASEE-Gas, ERIG, IGU, CEN, etc.

Influence policy-making

MARCOGAZ’s members express views and positions at European level, empowering their voices to reach greater impact on policy-making, in particular towards the European Commission, the European Parliament and other regulatory bodies. Our membership also enjoys direct access to European and international standardisation activities (CEN, CENELEC, ISO, etc.).

Participation and representation

MARCOGAZ has the privilege to be invited by the European Commission to represent the gas industry at different Forums:

  • Gas Regulatory (Madrid) Forum
  • European Infrastructure (Copenhagen) Forum
  • Electricity Regulatory (Florence) Forum
  • Consumers Regulatory (London) Forum
  • European Clean Hydrogen Alliance

Positioning the industry

MARCOGAZ’s membership enables its members to express a single and solid position from a large number of experts representing various companies around Europe, from upstream to end-use of gas system.

Communication and dissemination

Through MARCOGAZ’s communication channels, including social media, press releases, newsletters and events, members have the opportunity to create impact by reaching an influential audience made of industry and policy-makers at European and national level.


MARCOGAZ’s membership provides a direct link with the EU authorities, contact with other industry associations and access to international organisations such as the United Nations or the International Gas Union.

We engage on joint working projects, participate in various advisory groups, organise seminars and workshops and assure coordination with other industry associations representing the gas TSOs, gas DSOs, gas markets, research and development, and automotive and heating industries.