MARCOGAZ members
Our members are at the centre of MARCOGAZ’s activities. Our membership consists of gas industry associations and companies or organisations with an interest in natural gas or renewable gases.
Our members are at the centre of MARCOGAZ’s activities. Our membership consists of gas industry associations and companies or organisations with an interest in natural gas or renewable gases.
AS Gaso is the only distribution system operator in Latvia, managing more than 5,400 km of distribution system pipelines, employing more than 850 employees and with 370,000 natural gas users connected to its system. In 2024, biomethane was introduced into the Latvian distribution system for the first time, with a gradual increase planned in the following years. AS Gaso is wholly owned by Estonian gas company AS Eesti Gaas, the largest gas company in the Baltic States and Finland.
The Associação Portuguesa de Empresas de Gás (APEG) is an association of scientific, technical and professional character, being the representative organisation of the sector and a preponderant player towards public, private, national and international entities.
The Comitato Italiano Gas (CIG) is the national reference point for legislation and professional training and standardisation in the fuel gas sector. CIG was established on 9 December 1953 with the aim of improving the safety and efficiency in the use of combustible gases. CIG’s membership is composed of gas producers, distributors, and manufacturers of appliances and devices for use.
The Czech Gas Association (CGA) develops and sells codes of practice (TPG, TDG and TIN). It works as a Technical Standardisation Centre in the process of the development of technical standards, draws up technical position papers and provides technical advice on gas installations. The CGA is also responsible for international cooperation with CEN, ISO, Marcogaz and IGU.
DEPA Infrastructure, established in 1988, DEPA enables the efficient transport of natural gas across Greece, fostering energy efficiency and environmental sustainability. The company boasts a high-pressure transmission network spanning over 1000 km, a medium-pressure distribution network exceeding 5000 km, and a liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal. Collaborating with international partners, DEPA extends its reach, contributing to the Greece-Turkey Interconnector and future projects connecting Greece with Italy and Bulgaria. The company's commitment aligns with European Union goals, ensuring a secure, competitive, and diversified energy market while reinforcing regional cooperation and market development.
DESFA (National Natural Gas System Operator S.A.) is a natural gas transmission system operator (TSO) DESFA also operates Greece's gas distribution networks, and the Revithoussa LNG Terminal. DESFA operates a transmission pipeline and the transmission branches with a total length of 512 km and 952 km respectively.
Distrigaz Sud Retele is the main Romanian natural gas distribution system operator. Founded in 1975, it delivers gas to 1,8 million end users through a network long of 20,000 km. Distrigaz Sud promotes the responsible consumption of natural gas resources in order to support a less polluted environment.
The DVGW is the German competence network for all questions relating to the supply of gas and water for more than 150 years. DVGW’s members consist of utility companies and network operators, authorities, institutions and organisations in the gas and water sector, and a large number of individual members. The DVGW advocates safety and quality standards in the gas and water sector.
Energigas Sweden is a member-financed industry organisation that works for the increased use of energy gases. Energigas Sweden represents the industry organisation for players in biogas, vehicle gas, LPG, natural gas and Hydrogen. Energigas Sweden acts as the industry's mouthpiece and is the contact point between members and decision-makers, the media, business and the general public.
Energinet owns, operates and develops the overall energy infrastructure in Denmark and manages related tasks, thus contributing to the development of a climate-neutral energy supply. Energinet takes into account of the security of supply, the climate, and the environment, as well as ensure open and equal access for all users of the network - and efficiency in its operation. Energinet works closely with regional, national, European and international stakeholders.
The European Research Institute for Gas and Energy Innovation (ERIG) is a European Research and Development network based in Brussels. ERIG aims at developing and demonstrate the role of gas in the transition process towards a future renewable-based energy system.
Eurogas is a National Association based in Brussels representing the European gas wholesale, retail and distribution sectors towards the EU institutions. Founded in 1990, Eurogas promotes the functioning of the European internal gas market and provides structured support to its members on EU policy issues.
GERG is the European gas research group. Along with its member organisations, works with the European energy industry, in particular for gas sector, to develop innovative solutions which place gas infrastructure at the heart of the energy system. GERG encourages and supports the development of high quality Research and Development projects and assists in the development of a sound framework for European gas research.
As Denmark's gas distribution company, Evida is part of the critical infrastructure, where it is responsible for the 18,000 km long gas system that branches out to most of the country. Evida monitores the gas system 24/7 to ensure a safe, stable and efficient system. It connects biogas plants and prepare for the future infrastructure for CO2 and hydrogen, which are all important pieces in the green transition of the energy system.
France gaz works to promote the activities of the gas sector, by ensuring their representation before public authorities and contributing to the development of legislative and regulatory texts as well as providing specialised services, including gas standardisation with the French Gas Standardisation Office and certification for gas professionals with Certigaz.
Gas Networks Ireland, part of the Ervia Group, is a commercial state-owned gas infrastructure company that advances the utilisation of the gas networks. Gas Networks Ireland develops and manages a world-class gas infrastructure in Ireland consisting of over 13,000 km of gas pipelines. is a National Association based in Brussels contributing to the penetration of natural and renewable gas in the Belgian energy market. is responsible for technical aspects relating to natural gas, including promoting the safety and proper functioning of natural gas installations for customers.
GAS GRID is the Finnish gas transmission network company, consisting of over 1300 km of pipelines and 9 compressor stations in 4 different locations. GAS GRID actively develops its transmission platform, services and the gas market in a customer-oriented manner in order to promote the carbon-neutral energy and raw material system of the future.
Gasunie is a Dutch natural gas infrastructure and transportation company operating in the Netherlands and Germany. Gasunie owns the Netherlands gas transmission network with a total length of over 12,000 km and 3,100 km long network in Germany. Gasunie manages and maintains the infrastructure for large-scale transport and storage of gas in the Netherlands and the northern part of Germany. Gasunie was founded in 1963, four years after the discovery of natural gas in the northern Dutch province of Groningen.
GAZ-SYSTEM is the Polish natural gas transmission system operator that transports gas via the transmission network throughout the country in order to supply the distribution networks and final customers. GAZ-SYSTEM operates the Transit Gas Pipeline System measuring an estimated 4000 km, running from Russia through Belarus and Poland to Western Europe.
The Limited Liability Company Gas Transmission System Operator of Ukraine — LLC Gas TSO of Ukraine — is the second largest in Europe with more than 33, 000 km of pipeline length. It is closely connected to the networks of neighbouring European countries – Russia, Belarus, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Moldova, and through them is integrated into the European gas network.
National Gas Transmission is the backbone of Britain’s energy system today and plays a leading role in the transition to a clean energy future that works for every home and business. It owns and operates the national gas network, delivering energy to where it is needed in every part of the UK.
The Austrian Association for Gas and Water (ÖVGW) is an independent interest group that works to promote the Austrian gas and water supply industries since 1881. The association represents the interests of its members, who can be natural gas network operators but also people and companies that manufacture or sell products for the gas sector.
Polska Spółka Gazownictwa Sp. z o.o. is a national operator of the gas distribution system in Poland. Since November 2022, as a result of the merger, Polska Spółka Gazownictwa Sp. z o.o. has been part of the ORLEN Capital Group. The company operates throughout Poland, distributes gas through over 200,000 km of gas pipelines and has 17 branches of gas plants and 174 gas plants. It has over 7.5 million customers. Distributes approximately 11.3 billion m3/year of gas. Polska Spółka Gazownictwa Sp. z o.o. employs approximately 11,500 employees.
The Regional Gas Company (RGC) is a service company developing innovative and integrated solutions for the energy industry. RGC, which brings under the umbrella of a single brand 20 distribution system operators (DSOs), operates 250,000 km of gas pipelines and serves 8 million natural gas consumers. RGC is developing a project to assess the impact of hydrogen mixtures on gas networks and equipment.
In 1970, companies in the Spanish gas sector formed the Spanish Gas Association — Sedigas — with the aim of promoting the use of gas as a key element of economic development in Spain. Sedigas’ membership includes representatives from transport, distribution, commercial sector, LNG distribution, providers of services and products and individual members.
Slovak Gas and Oil Association (SGOA) is an independent association representing the gas and oil sectors. SGOA is registered with the Slovak Ministry of Interior. SGOA represents renowned companies, which operate within production and processing of gas, storage, sale, transmission and distribution.
The SVGW is a network organisation for Swiss gas, district heating and water supplies founded in 1873. As a knowledge specialist, SVGW contributes significantly to the sustainable supply of gas, heat and drinking water. The SVGW’s membership is composed of individual members, water suppliers and gas and heat suppliers.
Synergrid is a National Association working to ensure the common interests of network operators in Belgium for the transmission of electricity (Elia), for the transmission of natural gas (Fluxys) and for the distribution of electricity and gas (Distribution network managers - GRD).