Gas Utilisation > Sector Integration
Technological development is allowing the energy system integration by addressing planning and operating of the energy system “as a whole”, across multiple energy carriers like electricity and low-carbon gas, infrastructures and consumption sectors. Creating stronger links between delivering low-carbon emissions while ensuring reliable and resource-efficient energy services at the least possible cost for society is possible through an integrated cross-sectorial system.
The EU considers the energy system integration as the pathway towards an effective, affordable and deep decarbonisation of the economy in line with the Paris Agreement and the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Hydrogen, biofuels, biogas and biomethane are poised to play an important role in the EU’s decarbonisation process.
Electrification of end use is not possible in all sectors and geographical regions. Electricity systems based on intermittent renewable energy like wind and solar face operational challenges, mainly regarding frequency stability of the power system.
Natural gas, renewable gas and low-carbon gases are used, among others, to produce electricity and heating and are playing a significant role in the energy mix towards decarbonisation. However, electricity and gas networks are planned and managed independently from each other, which hampers delivery towards a climate neutral economy. It is technically and economically inefficient, and leads to substantial losses in the form of waste heat and low energy efficiency.
MARCOGAZ is working towards finding technical solutions to increase energy efficiency and improve security of energy supply, grounded on gaseous fuels. MARCOGAZ experts is also assessing the use of renewable and low-carbon fuels for end-use applications where direct heating or electrification is not feasible. Additionally, MARCOGAZ works to develop power-to-gas systems to ease transport and storage of energy in the form of gaseous fuel.
MARCOGAZ works to promote and support the use of electricity and low-carbon gas systems in order to improve the efficiency, flexibility and stability of the energy system as a whole. We find solutions for the use of hybrid end-use solutions using both electricity and gas, allowing the optimisation of the total energy efficiency. MARCOGAZ is actively involved in concrete initiatives and programmes to ensure the sustainable, safe and efficient development of coupled electricity and gas systems with hydrogen, biomethane and other low-carbon gases.
Massimiliano CAPEZZALI